Easy Warm Floor Radiant Floor Heating

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Home Automation and Heated Flooring


Home automation systems make our lives easier by controlling our appliances and providing security. Many of these systems are run on the ubiquitous X10 standard which uses your home's existing wiring to communicate control signals. Electric floor heating systems can integrate very easily with home automation running on the X10 platform. The automation system adds a whole new set of possibilities for floor heating.

There are many ways a home can benefit from electric radiant floor heating, especially when integrated with an X10 system. Of course the most simple idea is to have the floor of a particular room heated before you would normally use it in your daily schedule. Radiant floor heating can be synchronized with a home security system by turning off whenever the system is turned on. Motion sensors may also be used to automatically turn on the floor heating.

Many may not realize how easy a floor-space under 150' square can be to integrate with floor heating using X10. Electric floor heating mats can be wired straight into an X10 compatible 15A dimmer switch. The floor heating wires can run for a maximum of two hours without any worry of overheating. The dimmer control can be adjusted to control comfort level. This setup is absolutely perfect for any bathroom space where the floor heating is kept on for brief periods.

With larger applications of over 150' square the system should be controlled by an X10 thermostat. This is still a very simple and straightforward solution to automating floor heating with X10. There are several options for X10 enabled thermostats on the market that could work with floor heating. The thermostat will not only receive messages from the central control system but also send information back in the form of temperature readings. This will allow a level over climate control that is unrivaled at providing comfort and efficiency through radiant floor heating.

Easy Warm Floor has been providing factory-direct sales of radiant floor heating for 16 years – all of our products are made in the USA. Full technical support and personalized layouts ensure high system efficiency and straightforward installation for your needs.