EasyWarmFloor Radiant Floor Heating
Radiant Floor Heating made in the USA

See Easy Warm Floor Radiant
Heating Mats on WGN TV

1. Room Sizes
2. Electrical Load Verifier.
3. Submit

Welcome to Easy Warm Floor's online interactive Heated Floor Load Verifier System ! Please enter the basic information for the areas you’d like to heat below

Let's get started.

STEP A. Select the first area in your Heated Floor system design. Select the room type that is most appropriate for the space.

STEP B. Now we need to know the area in square feet (measure the length and width of that area and multiply those measurements. That's the number we're looking for). Enter the number of square feet.

Repeat this process for a total of up to five areas, or, Proceed to Step 2 of the load verifier and cost.



The minimum total area has to be at least 20ft²

Area Type Area Size (ft²) Controller






If you have any questions in regards to the use of our quotation system, please call us toll free at 1-866-225-9198