EasyWarmFloor Radiant Floor Heating
Radiant Floor Heating made in the USA

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Heating Mats on WGN TV

NetMat™ Radiant Floor Heating Mats

Easy Warm Floor's NetMat™ uses a Flexible Fiberglass mesh to arrange the heating cables in an easily shaped mat that can fit any room size or shape. With it's self-adhesive strips, installation times are cut in half, and the ease of use makes it the perfect floor heating mat for DIY projects.

Like all of our products, NetMat is maunfactured and distributed exclusively by Easy Warm Floor, ensuring the lowest prices in the industry. For example, some smaller bathrooms could incorporate heated flooring for under $200!

Easy Warm Floor NetMat™ Technical Info:

Interactive Heated Floor Electric load Planner

We have created a user frendly online tool to analize your load for having a heated floor system installed.

Simply Click here to enter your address and the online tool will analyze the system can be install in as well as the cost to install

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  • Our Netmat radiant heating systems are made from high quality DuPont heating cables
  • Thin 1/8 in. heating cable diameter
  • When using NetMat with Thin-Set or any leveling compound under any flooring applications, you add strenght to the floor .
  • Voltage - 120 or 240 volts
  • Watt per sq ft - 10, 12 or 15 w/sq ft
  • Width – 18 inch width mat
  • Sizes - from 9 to 113 sq ft per unit


- The heating cable has a special connection to the cold leads by high-quality insulation

Cold leads

- Copper cable with a double layer of P.V.C. installation. The leads are rated 105c.